F One again with stranger - Satpam Abbasea

One again with stranger

Tuts—here I am. With my unfinished book. For the minutes of struggling and understanding about the topic, suddenly random people comes and gives me a handful of fruit from somewhere. As usual I smile and say thanks. He asks me to stay and swears to come back again with more fruit.

I just nodded and start to take a photo with the fruit in my palm, then eat that fruit without thinking about it more further—Yas. I ate the fruit that I don't even know the name. Oh. The taste just like cherry that I ate in the middle of last year's winter. But this cherry is little bit sour and hard to chew. Maybe it isn't yet ripe.

When the guy comes I ask him, "what is it?" He says, "It named Tuts. It's edible and sweet, not sour."

Behind the scene yang tidak tampak: ternyata bapaknya mungut ceri yang berguguran dari pohon di ujung taman😳😰

Jumat, 17 September 2021


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